The forums are designed for users to share information and engage in discussions relevant to the community. Please note that both the forums and classifieds are meant for individuals, not businesses, except when posting job ads.
If sharing external content, include a hyperlink rather than copying the text. Discussions should stay on topic and remain respectful. Posts that veer off topic, contain personal attacks, or use abusive language may be removed at the discretion of the moderators. Hate speech, including racism and sexism, will not be tolerated, and offenders may face warnings or bans.
For concerns regarding spam or trolling, please report the issue instead of engaging with the individual. Engaging with spammers or trolls can result in warnings or bans. Any promotional content or hyperlinks related to advertisements will be removed.
Classifieds Guidelines
Ads are reviewed before being posted, and typically approved or rejected within one business day. Posts in all capital letters will be deleted, as they are generally seen as annoying. Avoid spamming the classifieds by posting multiple times—combine related information into a single post.
Classifieds are for individual users only. Businesses, with the exception of job postings, should consider becoming advertisers instead of using classifieds for promotion.
Do not include contact information such as email addresses or phone numbers in your post. The system automatically sends responses to your registered email.
Article Comments Guidelines
Comment sections under articles are intended for users to discuss the article’s content. Off-topic or disrespectful comments will be removed. Please refrain from using all capital letters. As with forums, advertisements or promotional content will be deleted.
Listing Reviews Guidelines
Review sections are for users to share their opinions on businesses, venues, or organizations. Please avoid using the reviews to ask for information or start discussions.
Users can only post one review per venue, and if a new review is posted, it will replace the old one. Consider your review carefully and include a star rating from one to five. Reviews must contain both a rating and supporting text. Any reviews that appear to be self-promotion or malicious will be removed.