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How to Address Consumer Complaints in Bishkek

Have you ever bought an expired or defective product, faced issues with a service, or had a bad experience at a café? If you encounter such problems, it's essential to know where to lodge your complaints. Here is a comprehensive list of contacts to help you address any consumer issues efficiently.

Complaints About Defective Goods or Services

If you have purchased defective or expired products, or if the goods or services did not meet your expectations, you can file a complaint with:

  • Antimonopoly Regulation Service (State Antimonopoly Service):
    • 0312 563305
    • 0312 563170

Low-Quality or Expired Medications

If you encounter low-quality or expired medications or experience adverse reactions to medications, contact:

  • Hotline of the Department of Medicines and Medical Devices:
    • 0800 800 2626

Healthcare Services Complaints

For issues with healthcare organizations demanding money or providing poor quality care, reach out to:

  • Compulsory Health Insurance Fund Hotline:
    • 113

Food Service Establishment Complaints

If you find a café dirty, notice insects, or feel ill after dining out, report it to:

  • Department of Disease Prevention and State Sanitary and Epidemiological Surveillance:
    • 0312 323201

Banking Services Issues

For complaints about the work of banks in Kyrgyzstan, contact:

  • Consumer Rights Protection Department of the National Bank:
    • 0312 312948
    • 0312 313189
    • 0312 313122
    • 0555 855748
    • 0770 737349
    • +996 501 890000 (WhatsApp)

Public Utilities and Municipal Services

If you are dissatisfied with the quality of work of municipal enterprises and public utilities in Bishkek, reach out to:

  • City Hall Call Center:
    • 1840

Having these contact details at your fingertips ensures you can address any consumer issues promptly and effectively.