The Gapar Aitiev Kyrgyz National Museum of Fine Arts

The State Museum of the Kyrgyz Republic was namedafter an outstanding Kyrgyz artist. The museum was founded in 1935 as anational gallery. Its current building was built in 1974.

Today the museum is the main art treasury of Kyrgyzstan. Its collection consists of about 18,000 pieces of art. Paintings, drawings, sculptures, decorative and applied arts works are exhibited there.

National Museum of Fine Arts

The main section of the museum is considered to be acollection of Kyrgyz arts and crafts: embroidery, felt products, wood carving,patterned weaving, leather embossing items, Kyrgyz jewelry. The golden fund of the museum is the works of the classics of the Kyrgyz fine arts: Chuikov, Aitiev, Akylbekov, Herzen and many other artists of different generations, artistic styles and directions.

The museum also presents Russian paintings of the18th-20th centuries, which can be used to study the history of the fine arts of Russia.

Contact Info

96 Yusupa Abdrakhmanova Street, Bishkek, 720040

Availability Time

11:00 - 18:00
11:00 - 18:00
11:00 - 18:00
11:00 - 18:00
11:00 - 18:00
11:00 - 18:00

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